Why join the PTA?

PTA offers all parents, family members, teachers, and community members the opportunity to be engaged in their child’s potential.  Being a member of PTA means that you are part of a powerful association and action plan that is focused on programs and initiatives that strengthen each child’s education and the family - school partnership.   We invite you to join PTA for your child and every child because increasing our membership, even by one, makes it possible for us to provide important educational resources, speak up on important issues and create a stronger school community.  

By joining the PTA, you help us meet our school’s needs that are outside the scope of their budget. You also get great discounts, locally and nationally. If you choose to get more involved and volunteer to help with events, or join our board, you set a great example for our students to follow, and greatly encourage our students, teachers and staff.

Frequently Ask Questions about PTA

Where does my money go when I pay membership dues or donate money to the PTA?

PTA membership dues support each and every BLE student by funding essential educational and curriculum needs including advocating on behalf of children and educators at the local, state and national levels; and building an inclusive school community for all BLE families. Please visit our PTA Accomplishments page for an extensive list of the support PTA has provided in the previous years.

Does PTA Membership require volunteering or attending meetings?

No. Although volunteering is a very impactful way to be involved in PTA, and attending meetings is the best way to keep up with what's going on in the PTA, neither is a requirement. 

How much time do I have to commit to being a member of PTA?

As much or as little as you want. Simply becoming a member of PTA is an easy way to support your child, as well as all BLE students, teachers, staff, and families in our community. However, we absolutely welcome any and all PTA members who can and would like to be more involved by donating their time, items, or funds to helping us build more opportunities for our children and community.

Isn’t PTA a social club or fundraising group for stay-at-home moms?

Not at all! Our PTA is very diverse, just like our community! The overwhelming majority of our PTA members are hard working BLE teachers, parents, and family members with full time jobs who just want to support their children at school. That's why we encourage members to participate in a way that best suits their busy schedule and lifestyle. Everybody is welcome and encouraged to join PTA to help support our children and community.

A big part of PTA's mission is to engage the community. To promote that engagement, we facilitate many programs, events, and activities that are largely social such as Trunk or Treat, Spring Picnic, and the Jazzy Fun Run. However, much of PTA’s work focuses on identifying our community’s greatest needs, and then working to fund those essential school and curriculum resources. 

We only work to raise the funds we need to make those resources, materials, and learning experiences a reality for every BLE student and their families. We also work to advocate at the local, state and national levels, impacting legislative decisions affecting every child’s health, safety and quality of education.

How does PTA ensure it represents every child and family at the school?

We encourage every family in the school to become a PTA member to support the success of their child. We strive to maintain a diverse membership base that reflects all of the families and their student's school needs. PTA strengthens connections between your family, your child’s teacher, classmates, and their families to build a thriving and inclusive community for everyone. 

Bob Lewis PTA Invites YOU to Join the PTA Today!!

Bob Lewis PTA community welcomes and encourages leadership, volunteerism and membership from ALL of our families.   PTA is for EVERYONE involved in our school including Parents, Students, Caregivers, Family Members, Teachers, Staff and Community Members.

Our goal is to have 100% participation!

Membership is $8 per person.  We are an inclusive community and deeply value participation from all BLE families.  


Please contact our Membership Coordinator, Gina Gonzales at membership@boblewispta.org